Thursday, October 7, 2010

Phase 1: Sam's Summary

In response to the need for an economic refocus, and the existing opportunity to generate local tourism, I hope to concentrate my research on existing public spaces, tourist destinations, and the art community.
Lota has the potential to attract Chilean vacationers and, cultural and adventure travellers from around the world alike. This provides an excellent opportunity for the local artisans and crafts people to market their works and thereby, stimulate the local economy.
It also presents the opportunity for a beautifying of the urban landscape. This could be achieved through a new design for the local street furniture or a community art project. While in Lota, I hope to find inspiration in the culture and the underground community of graffiti artists and the ever-changing nature of their medium.
Visiting Lota also provides an opportunity to conduct research and speak with the locals to understand the existing perception is of the city, what the users’ needs are, and what the Lotinos imagine or hope their city could become.
This information can be gathered by a number of different methodologies, including; behaviour observation captured through photographs, video, and annotated diagrams; Physical trace observations to explore how the existing public spaces are used and perceived; And structured interviews and diaries to understand more about the user group and their daily life.

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