Monday, January 31, 2011

Phase 3 Update

Phase 3 clarified all of the features the fish kiosk will have, and clearly showed where more time needs to be spent developing form, function, or both.

The main areas I will be addressing through my user testing are:

  • portability - the cart will be moved a short distance on a daily basis over somewhat uneven city terrain, such as curbs, bumps or hills. I will be testing 2 different wheel sizes over an obstacle course.
  • awning set up and take down - the weather protecting awning is an integral part of the cart. Keeping the fish in the shade, making it comfortable for the vendor to stay there all day in all weather conditions are two priorities.
  • storage - the cart will be used to store various elements over night as well and during the day when it is in use. By figuring out how much space is required for this function it will determine how big the cart needs to be.
  • visibility - the cart will be approached from all sides, so keeping the product for sale in clear view is an aesthetic and security issue
  • setup of display surfaces - will the fold, slide, pivot?

I built one full size cart that will be used for most of the tests. It is a simple frame that doesn't express any of the final form the cart will take on, other that the general size.

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